Introducing Calantha

Effective, precise, and environmentally-friendly Colorado potato beetle (CPB) control
Before Calantha
Plump, thriving larvae completing their full development cycle.

Powerful new mode of action that works

Calantha is a new foliar insecticide that provides effective control of the Colorado potato beetle (CPB) in potato crops. Calantha is powered by ledprona, a new class of bio-insecticide offering a novel Mode of Action (MoA) that provides a new tool for resistance-management with no detectable residues on potatoes.
About Calantha
After Calantha
Darkened, ailing larvae exhibiting stunted development.

An effective and novel bio-insecticide

Calantha’s effectiveness has been confirmed through more than 250 field trials over five years across the USA, Canada and Europe. It consistently controls CPB while meeting industry standards for yield and defoliation protection. These trials were performed in small and large plots involving extension researchers and prominent industry growers in key potato production states.

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Easy to handle and store, integrating seamlessly with your current practices

Designed to seamlessly integrate into your current operations, Calantha, an aqueous-based liquid formulation (SL), sets a new standard for bio-insecticides by its excellent performance, ease of use and compatibility with current practices. Laboratory, as well as practical large-scale testing on farms confirm:

  • Calantha is highly effective regardless of tested application method: aerial or ground sprayed application.
  • Calantha has shown good tank-mixing compatibility with tested mixing partners.
  • Calantha is easy to handle and store. No issues mixing and applying. No specific limitation (ex: heat, cold, light).
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Outstanding safety profile ensures the well-being of applicators and your family

Ledprona is a pioneering active ingredient providing precise and residue-free control of the Colorado potato beetle. This innovative new biomolecule ensures exemplary efficacy through well understood and quantifiable Mode of Action (MoA). In addition, prioritizing safety and environmental consciousness, Calantha enhances the protection of applicator and your family.

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Designed to promote biodiversity and food safety, meeting evolving consumer expectations and demands

The profile of Calantha aligns well with the changing preferences of consumers and the food chain towards sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices. It leaves no harmful residues in potato tubers and by safeguarding beneficial insects and pollinators it fosters biodiversity.

IRAC MoA classification

What people say

AJ Bussan
Director of Agronomy and Quality. Wysocki Family of Companies

"It delivers on what has been promised... we had a fairly good population down here. They got the beetles that grow on the early instar, larvae and managed really well. We had some encouragement on the edge, so we had third and fourth instar larvae as well and I did not see any of that become problematic. ”

Wes Meddaugh
Lead Agronomist. Heartland Farms, Inc.

"Being a new chemistry, it is a new tool in the toolbox, which will allow us to take pressure off of other chemistries we are using already... and just being able to rotate chemistries and extending the life of other ones right now. "

Karl Ritchie
Agronomist. Walther Farms

"We were excited to have the opportunity to try a chemistry that is a completely new MoA, a completely different type of chemistry … We see it as a great opportunity to deal with first generation potato beetles"

Nicolle Nelson
Crop Scout. Walther Farms

"It has been very comparable to other products we have used in the past. We have had pretty good control. It is something that I would use again" "I really like that it is specific to potato beetle. That is great news, that we are not affecting beneficial, we are not affecting non-target pest. That is groundbreaking"

Calantha in action


Mixed with water and sprayed over potatoes using standard agricultural practices, Calantha™ is used at a rate of a few grams per acre. This is significantly lower than most currently used insecticides against CPB.

Mode of Action

Consumption of Calantha™ causes CPB to stop feeding within 3 days. Affected larvae will darken and become inactive before dying. Effectively protecting the potato plants from defoliation and preserving tuber yield.

Environmental Impact

Field studies show that Calantha™ has little to no impact on non-target organisms tested, leaving beneficials - including honeybees, butterflies, earthworms, ladybugs and other beneficial insects - unaffected. In the soil, water and on leaf surface, the active ingredient itself degrades within days.

Use of the technology in agriculture has been studied for decades

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